El desafío es convocar a miles de personas que entendiendo la problemática que nos presenta el agua estén dispuestas a ser parte de esta obra que consiste en atesorar muestras del agua que ellas actualmente están utilizando para consumo identificándolas con su nombre, el lugar de donde se tomó la muestra y la fecha en que se realizó la toma.
Dentro de 20, 50 ó 100 años cuando el agua sea mucho más escasa que ahora este universo de muestras históricas, como primitivos daguerrotipos, les permitirá a nuestros descendientes conocer el agua que tomaba cada una de las personas que enviaron sus muestras. Me emociona de sólo escribirlo.

The challenge is to appeal to thousands of people who understand the issue water is presenting to us, to join the making of this work of art which consists of treasuring samples of running water presently being used and labelling them with the name of the participant, the place and date when the sample was taken.
In 20, 50 or 100 years, when water will be more scarse than at present, this universe of primitive samples, just like primitve daguerrotypes, will enable our descendants to know the water each participant used to drink. I am moved just with the thought of it.

Marta Minujín en Aqua Planetae
Marta Minujín takes part in Aqua Planetae

Marta Minujín sumó el agua que trajo de su viaje al parque nacional La Tigra de Honduras para ser parte de Aqua Planetae.

Marta Minujín sumó el agua que trajo de su viaje al parque nacional La Tigra de Honduras para ser parte de Aqua Planetae.

Agradecimiento del Papa Francisco
Carta desde Roma

Pope Francis thanks Carlos Montani
in a letter from Vatican City


Dear Mr Montani,
On behalf of the Secretary of State, I inform you that your message dated June 3rd2014 on Aqua Planetae, was passed on to His Holiness Pope Francis, who has asked us to thank you on your work destined to cooperate with taking care of creation through the element "water" with the main aim you stated "awakening minds and hearts of people to transform our relationship with nature, especially with water which does not discriminate beliefs, culture, ethnics or gender".
Our Holy Father has learned about your precious work and thankfully imparts his apostolic blessing on you.
I take advantage of the occasion to show you my consideration and steem.
Father Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot

Content copyright 2010-2011. Carlos Montani. All rights reserved.